Service Details

Posh As Day at Mona

Supplier Name:

MONA - The Museum of Old and New Art

Departure Date:


Children aged under 18 not catered for.
Children aged 18 and above must be costed as Adults.


A$520.00    On Request


- Return ferry transfers ex-Hobart in the Posh Pit
- Mona entry
- Two-course lunch with two glasses of wine
- Private guided Moorilla walk
- Tutored wine tasting
- Bottle of wine to take home
- 15 % Discount on any purchases made from the cellar door on the day.

What to Bring:

Departure Time:


Departure Days:

Valid for 01APR23-31MAR24: Mon, Fri, Sat, Sun Except 07APR-10APR, 25APR, 25DEC-26DEC, 31DEC-01JAN, 26JAN, 29MAR-31MAR
Valid for 01APR24-31MAR25: Mon, Fri, Sat, Sun Except 25APR, 25-26DEC, 31DEC, 01JAN, 26JAN


8 Hrs

Departure Location:

Brooke Street Pier

Departure/ Pickup Info:

Brooke St Pier, 12 Franklin Wharf, Salamanca

*Pickup Request:

Note: Pickup requests are subject to confirmation.


~~ 01-Apr-2023 to 31-Mar-2024~~Valid for 01APR23-31MAR24:

Catch the ferry from Hobart to Mona, in the ferry’s fancy Posh Pit at 9.15am, arrive at Mona and explore the museum at 9.45am. Take a private tour of the Moorilla vineyard, including an exclusive tasting of Moorilla’s best wines at 11.30am. Enjoy a two-course lunch with wine from Moorilla at 02.00pm, continue exploring Mona 3.30pm. Return to Hobart on the ferry in the Posh Pit at 05.00pm.~~~~

~~ 01-Apr-2024 to 31-Mar-2025~~Valid for 01APR24-31MAR25:

Catch the ferry from Hobart to Mona, in the ferry’s fancy Posh Pit at 9.15am, arrive at Mona and explore the museum at 10.00am. Take a private tour of the Moorilla vineyard, including an exclusive tasting of Moorilla’s best wines at 11.30am. Enjoy a two-course lunch with wine from Moorilla at 02.00pm, continue exploring Mona 3.30pm. Return to Hobart on the ferry in the Posh Pit at 05.00pm.~~~~

Important Info:

Special Requests:

(240 Char Limit)

Note: Special requests generate directly to the service provider and cannot be guaranteed.