2hr Outback Show

Katherine Outback Experience - Katherine


A$0 (2 Passengers)


2 hours

Departure Days:

Valid for 01MAY24-15OCT24:

Daily, except Monday, Thursday Sunday.

Departure Time:

Valid for 01APR24-31MAR25:

Tue - 9:30am.

Wed - 2:45pm.

Fri - 9:30am.

Sat - 1:30pm.

Departure Point:

115 Collins Road, Uralla, Katherine.


Not available.


Not available.



Not Included:

Transfers from Katherine.


Not Available


A$0 (2 Passengers)


- Horse starting (using an unbroken horse).
- Working dog and horse liberty demonstrations.
- Tom Curtain's Chart-topping hits and stories of life in the outback.
- The 2 hours show format allows guests the opportunity to catch up with the team and interact with the farm animals after the show.


Valid for 01APR23-31MAR25:

Owned by multiple Golden Guitar winner Tom Curtain and his wife Annabel, Katherine Outback Experience provides an experience that is engaging, entertaining and educational. One that will stay with your guests for years to come and sure to be a favoured memory of their time in the Northern Territory. From saddling a young horse or riding it for the first time, to training working dogs of all ages and personalities, this is life on an outback farm. It is real and it is raw. Every show is unique and different from the last. Tom Curtain’s Katherine Outback Experience celebrates the Northern Territory’s unique farming history and culture through real horse-starting and working dog demonstrations, live music and storytelling. The outback show provides an exclusive ‘behind the scenes’ experience like no other. From the comfort of elevated seating under the shade of an indoor arena, guests watch and learn as the young horses and cattle dogs are trained for working life on the land. The team explain the psychology behind the training process, highlighting what can be achieved from a relationship built on trust. Guests are also invited to pat and feed the station animals including the horses, dogs, buffalo, cattle and goats to name a few. The Show wouldn’t be complete without stories from the team’s experiences of living and working on the land, together with some of Tom’s original award winning songs.

Child Policy:

Valid for 01APR23-31MAR25:
Outback Show:

Infant: 0-5 years inclusive - free of charge.

Child: 6-17 years inclusive - Child rates apply.

Important Information:

Valid for 01APR24-31MAR25:

- Does not operate Monday, Thursday or Sunday.

- Closed 01 April - 30 April 2024 and Closed 16 October 2024 - 30 April 2025.


Not Available